Monday, November 22, 2010

Raised Salt Painting for Kids

Shaking off the salt
 I saw an idea in Family Fun magazine that talked about creating 3D paintings out of salt, glue and food coloring. I decided to give it a shot with Avlyn, and she had a lot of fun. We did not have card stock paper, so we just used light colored construction paper. We did this as an art project and explored working with different mediums to create a picture. But this can also be used as a science project to explore how the salt soaks up the food coloring and helps it travel along the glue lines.

Adding more colors

Construction paper or card stock
White glue
Dropper (we used a straw, but a dropper would definitely be better)
Cookie sheet to hold salt pieces
Food coloring
Small bowls

We began by placing the construction paper onto a rimmed cookie sheet. We then mixed our food colors with a small amount of water. I only had yellow and blue, so we'll try this next time with much brighter colors.

Next, have your child create a crazy design with the white glue. Help them pour salt all over the picture and shake it off. Using the dropper, suck up a small amount of colored water. Slowly drop out 1-3 drops onto the glue and watch as it travels along the salt. Keep adding color until your pictures is complete. Let dry overnight and you have a 3-D, textured picture. Happy homeschooling!


  1. This looks like an excellent project even for older kids. Thanks for sharing! I think my daughter would like this because every picture would be different.

  2. Yes! My 10 year old is wanting to do it, but I still need to pick up brighter colors. My daughter has also asked a few times to make another one. I just need to get into town and get some new colors. We both had fun with this one.
