Thursday is science day, and today was our first day of doing a nature study. This is a new concept for us, so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or not but we had a good time. We spent about 2 hours walking around the forest that borders our neighborhood. We found a ton of cool stuff and made sure to listen, look, and smell all of the things around us during our walk. Since it was an intro, I didn't have her focus on anything in particular but just let her walk around and explore.
All our goodies. |
We also started a nature notebook using some free journal pages from
Handbook of Nature Study and
Free Lulu downloads. She filled in part of her mushroom journal page today as we found a handful of white, fuzzy mushrooms on our walk. Below are some pictures from our day:
Checking out something on the leaves. |
Finding the last of the honeysuckle |
These are little leaves stuck in a huge web |
The mushroom we found peeking out of the ground |
A spider web and egg sac?
Magnifying the mushroom. |
This moth was fluttering around looking for nectar. I was finally able to keep her still and quiet enough to snap a picture of it. |
Some sort of berry on a tree that we want to research. |
I think this is Goldenrod, but I'm not really sure. It was covered with some sort of flying bugs that were mating all over the place. |
A beautiful flower we need to research and see what it is. |
Enjoying the sweetness of honeysuckle. |
It started sprinkling and she wanted to see if rain tasted like salt water. |
Beautiful pics! The purple flower is passion flower. It grows on a vine and will make fruit. The leaves can be used for tea if you have trouble falling asleep. I am hoping to start HOD soon with my son.