Monday, August 17, 2009

Free Ebooks for Kids

Today is our first official day of school and I'm online printing out some templates to work on the letter M. While I'm busy doing this, Avlyn is busy following along with an E-book from Tumblebooks on my laptop. The Santa Clara City Library offers this program for free from their website. Just click on Tumblebooks in the sidebar and let your child pick a book. Some of the older books just show the illustration, but some of the books are animated and more engaging.

This is a great option for families who live far from a library or don't have a library card. You can find tons of books on here to enhance lessons or just enjoy a little story time. Click on the title of my blog post to get to the site. Happy homeschooling!


  1. Free ebooks are available all over the internet. They are used to promote websites and to drive traffic to these sites. Some ebooks are sold to customers and potential clients but a strategy that has been effective to website owners is making their own ebook and gives them away for free. Writing can be a complicated job and that is why most people who own websites do not engage themselves in ebook writing. They think that it is a demanding task. This is not entirely true because you can always change your approach when you write.

  2. I posted your comment, but I'm not really sure what your point is, or how it relates to preschool homeschooling. I'm guessing you didn't visit the site mentioned in my post, since the link takes you to a public library and not some random e-book.

    Tumblebooks is a program used by schools and homeschoolers so that kids can read and listen to picture books without having to check them out at the library. The site I'm talking about has nothing to do with promoting websites or driving traffic to a website.

  3. thanks for sharing this wonderful resources. you can download lots of ebooks from here
