Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How Our Year Is Going So Far.....

We are about a month into our Heart of Dakota curriclum, and I'm almost about to set it aside for a bit. While I do like it, I'm finding that I want to focus more on reading, writing, spelling, and math for first grade and not worry too much about science and history. With the way history is woven through the Heart of Dakota curriclum, it would be hard to focus on reading and writing without also doing the history part of the curriclum. I'm not sure if I'll be picking it up again after Christmas, or if I'll just set it aside and use it as-is for second grade.

So far, here's what we're doing:

Math - sticking with Singapore. I am going to use flashcards and drill to help cement addition facts.

Reading - Phonics pathways, explode the code, and a new book I just got, Dr. Fry's 300 most common words which I'm using for reading and spelling instruction. I may pick up the Heart of Dakota spelling list towards the end of the year, but for now I'm finding that using the same reading sight words as her spelling words is helping her retain the information. While she was learning the spelling words provided by HOD, after I'd test her she wouldn't retain how to spell it. With Dr. Fry's book she works all week with the words through a variety of activities.

We are still using the emerging reader's set from HOD, and we're currently working our way through the Early Reader's Bible.

Writing - She has a writing journal where I write a prompt and she completes it.

Science - she loves science. While I decided to scrap the schedule of science provided by HOD because it just jumps around too much, we were still working our way through God's Wonderful Works from the beginning. But my plan is to actually set that aside for now and introduce nature study. We will work on science on Thursdays and continue with nature studies until it gets too cold, and then we'll go back to our science text.

History - on hold for now

Electives - karate on Tue., Thurs., and Sat., library on Wed., art on Fri.

And that's pretty much where we're at with our schooling right now. After the Christmas break, I'll re-evaluate and see if I want to start up BLHFHG again or just use it for second grade.


  1. Looks like you have a great start to your school year. HOD is a wonderful curriculum. Love how you can pick and choose what fits for your family out of it. I would like to recommend for a way to had fun to your spelling list. You can just type in the list and they create games for your child to play based on that list. Sometimes you can find your list already in the many list to choose from. There might already be a HOD listing on there. :^) We like spelling cause it helps us work on computer skills while learning spelling words too.

    Lil' Momma
    Living with a hard working husband, 1 toddler, 1 preschooler and 1 middle schooler who are Five in Training for HIM

  2. Hi,

    Thanks. I've heard of that before. I'll probably start using it when we go back to the HOD spelling lists. Looking forward to checking out your blog.

